All Tasks
Jeans & Water (guided)
Wearing jeans is part of our everyday lives. However, the production of jeans is a major consumer of fresh water.
Estimate the amount of fresh water needed for the global production of jeans per year. In the hints you find links for researching the relevant information.
Enter the result in trillions of liters.
# Measurements & estimation
# Units & rounding
Jeans & Water (free)
Wearing jeans is part of our everyday lives. However, the production of jeans is a major consumer of fresh water.
Estimate the amount of fresh water needed for the global production of jeans per year.
Enter the result in trillions of liters.
# Measurements & estimation
# Units & rounding
EU Households' Water Use
Calculate the amount of fresh water consumed by all households in the European Union per year. In the hints you find links for researching the relevant information.
Enter the result in trillions of liter.
# Measurements & estimation
# Units & rounding
Vector (Interval): Model the surface of the lake
The image shows lake Bracciano in Italy, which has an almost circular surface. Calculate the approximate area of the lakes surface. Fill out the answer fields below. All length units are in kilometers, the surface is in square kilometers. Round each to one decimal number.
This task type is handy for tasks that could encounter rounding differences or whenever the user has to model or measure some quantity or size.
# Circle
Interval: Surface area of a CD
Determine the surface area of one side of a CD. Identify the needed values in the task image or measure a CD you have at hand carefully.
Insert your result in the answer field below. Give your result in $cm^2$ and round to one decimal place.
# Circle
Abstandsberechnungen Punkt Gerade
Berechnen Sie die Abstände zwischen Gerade und Punkt.
1.) $f(x)=3x-4$, $A\left(0,5\middle|2\right)$
2.) $g(x)=-2x+2$, $B\left(-2\middle|1\right)$
3.) $h(x)=-\frac{1}{4}x+2$, $C\left(2\middle|-1\right)$
Gib die Werte auf zwei Stellen hinter dem Komma gerundet an.
# Functions & characteristics