All Tasks
Modeling bakery
A baker cooks 9 apple pies and 12 chocolate pies for each gram of yeast he has in a day. Everyday 1/3 of the cooked cakes doesn't grow well, so the baker can't sell them. Can you tell how many cakes the baker can sell everyday for each gram of yeast he has?
# Terms with variables
Let's walk it!
Choose the program that will walk Scratch the cat along the spirale of integers! (see the first hint for a reminder)
# Unassigned
The cube
Written with this little fancy three up in the air, the cube of a number is simply this number multiplied by itself twice. For example $2^3=2\times 2\times 2=8$. Compute the cube of the following numbers:
# Monomials & polynomials
Sum of the 10 first cubes
Look at these cubes, of size 1, 2, 3,... Suppose they are made of squares, all of the same unit height. How can you spread these squares on the plane? If you have 10 cubes, what is the area tiled by all these cubes?
# Monomials & polynomials
The sum of the 10 first squares
Look at these pyramids. They are made of square pieces, all of the same height, which is the depth of each step. Hence their volume is the sum of the squares. You have six of them to make a cuboid. If there are ten stairs, what is the size of this cuboid made of the six pyramids?
# Monomials & polynomials
The turning points
Now, let's turn our attention to the corners, the turning points, alternating bottom-left, top-left, top-right and bottom-right, beginning with 1, 2, 3, 5, 7...
# Operations with natural numbers