Acerca de los resultados intelectuales

Para desarrollar una plataforma de fácil uso para la educación matemática online, se definen los seis siguientes Resultados Intelectuales (IOs):

  • Portal Web ASYMPTOTE
  • Tareas genéricas a nivel universitario
  • Tareas genéricas a nivel secundario y Guía de uso
  • Plan de estudios a largo plazo y MOOC

Project Results: Intellectual Outputs (English Language)

IO1&2 – ASYMPTOTE Web Portal & App

In this presentation we summarize the results of "IO1 - Web Portal" and "IO2 - ASYMPTOTE App" (technical outputs).

IO3&4 – Generic Tasks & Manual

In this presentation we summarize the results of "IO3 - Generic Tasks on University Level" and "IO4 - Generic Tasks on Secondary Level & Handbook" (material-based outputs).

Please note: The manual can be found on the ASYMPTOTE Tutorial website.

IO5 – Long-Term Curriculum & MOOC

In this presentation we summarize the results of "IO5 - Long-Term Curriculum & MOOC" (educational output).

Please note: The slides of the Long-Term Curriculum can be found on the ASYMPTOTE Tutorial website. 

IO6 – Research & Validation

In this presentation we summarize the results of "IO6 - Research & Validation" (scientific output).

Please note: Research instruments and outputs can be found on the ASYMPTOTE Research website.