
Das Projekt ASYMPTOTE [Adaptive Synchronous Mathematics Learning Paths for Online Teaching in Europe] zielt auf die Entwicklung einer digitalen Lernumgebung für synchronen Online- und Distanzunterricht im Fach Mathematik.


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An award for ASYMPTOTE!

We are very happy and proud to announce that ASYMPTOTE has been awarded! The ASYMPTOTE app was awarded on 07.05.2024 by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and the OeAD ...

A new case study on ASYMPTOTE

A new case study on the ASYMPTOTE system is available! Flavia Mammana, Eugenia Taranto, Despoina Koutsomanoli Filippaki and Georgios Fesakis presented their research at the HELMeTO 2022 conference. ...

The ROSEDA Proceedings are published!

The proceedings of the ROSEDA Conference are published! The book contains 25 contributions on how STEM education can be enriched by the use of technology. The proceedings can be found on the ASYMPTOTE ...

Looking back at the ROSEDA Conference

The Research On STEM Education in the Digital Age (ROSEDA) Conference was a great success! In various presentations, the participants discussed the role of digital tools to enrich STEM education from ...

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