About the Annual Meeting I
The ASYMPTOTE annual meeting from October 14-16 was hosted by the University of the Aegean. The hybrid meeting was held on the island of Rhodes.
On October 14, we met at 5:00 pm for the opening session. Each partner presented the current state of the art and the work done so far on the corresponding results. During the welcoming session, questions about how to proceed with the work were also discussed.
The working day, October 15, included three major work phases. In the first working session, the adaptivity of ASYMPTOTE was discussed from a didactic point of view. The team of Goethe University also presented the steps taken to implement the adaptive functionalities in the web portal: Linear learning graphs with a strictly defined hierarchy of tasks to be completed are replaced by learning graphs that assign tasks according to individual student performance levels.
In the two other work phases on October 15 and the work session on October 16, the ASYMPTOTE team worked in output-related subgroups:
- The technical group (IO1&2) discussed the implementation of the adaptive graph tool in the app and the further technical development process. They further identified use cases when working on the learning graph. The implementation of looping tasks and the integration of a DGS were also discussed from a technical perspective.
- The working group focused on IO3&4 agreed on definitions of task types and criteria for task creation. They also agreed on a transnational ASYMPTOTE curriculum (hierarchy) that will be used to systematize the web portal.
- The working group on IO5&6 agreed on the necessary theoretical background for the MOOC and the long-term curriculum (LTC) and on a template for its presentation. In addition, the MOOC was planned in more detail. Additionally, research ideas on MOOC, LTC and multiplier events were both developed and concretized.
The meeting was concluded with a session where the results of the group work sessions were presented and discussed.
We thank all partners for their cooperation in the meeting and especially our Greek partners for the perfect organization of the meeting!